Thursday, May 14, 2009

SITUS IKLAN GRATIS, web penyedia jasa pemasangan iklan gratis ini menggunakan Fitur pemasangan iklan secara otomatis milik Adsburn disebut SubmitZzz. Fitur ini bisa memasang iklan kita ke sekaligus ratusan web iklan. juga memanjakan member dengan memberikan kesempatan menambah kredit. Dengan fasilitas ini, membernya dapat menggunakan dengan GRATIS selamanya. Fitur itu antara lain dengan menulis review, mereferensikan teman untuk bergabung dan meletakkan logo di halaman depan website/blog kita.

masih bingung mau narok iklan kamu dimana?sekarang juga daftarjadi member disini

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Blog/website bisa terkenal dengan gratis, Gimana?

Ingin mengiklankan sebuah produk atau web/blog anda agar banyak yang membacanya. coba daftar kesalah satu situs pendaftar iklan secara gratis dan otomatis, yaitu melalui growurl. kita cukup sekali saja mendaftarkan alamat situs atau blog kita, dan growurl akan secara otomatis mendaftarkan situs kita di lebih dari 100 situs pemasang iklan dalam sehari. Dan hebatnya lagi, kita dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas ini secara gratis. Ingin tahu caranya?
Berikut ini saya bagi tips melalui growurl untuk anda :
1. Daftar menjadi member growurl, klik disini

2. setelah anda terdaftar, silahkan anda pilih menu get free credit. Ada beberapa macam menu yang bisa anda pilih. yaitu :

a. Refer Friend to Register, anda akan mendapatkan 1 credit yang berlaku selama 2 hari tiap teman anda mendaftar growurl.
b. Put GrowUrl logo on your website front page. Anda akan mendapatkan 2 credit setiapbulan yang berlaku selama 4 hari.
c. Put GrowUrl Mini Ads on your website front page. dengan memasang banner growurl,maka anda memperoleh 3 credit setiap bulan yang berlaku sampai 6 hari.
d. Register your Classified Ads / Directory / Mailing List to GrowUrl. Dengan memilih ini anda akan memperoleh 10 credit tiap bulan yang dapat berlaku sampai 20 hari.
e. Write a review / article about GrowUrl in your blog. Dengan membuat review anda akan memperoleh 5 credit tiap review yang dapat berlaku selama 10 hari.
Pilih salah satu menu di atas dan anda akan mendapatkan link atau kode yang bisa anda tampilkan di blog / situs anda. Jika anda memilih write a review, segeralah membuat posting tentang growurl dan isikan link posting anda di form yang telah disediakan. Setelah itu anda hanya tinggal menunggu dan rajin mengecek apakah credit anda sudah masuk atau belum.
bagi pemasang iklan, Growurl adalah solusi bagi kebosanannya mengetik iklan karena hanya sekali ketik berapa kali klik dan aha iklan saya dimana2. Mereka gembira sekali menemukan mesin iklan secanggih growurl.
Iklan otomatis telah datang ke jaman kita sekarang, dan pelopornya di Indonesia adalah Growurl. Segera anda mencobanya?

Monday, May 11, 2009

6 Big Steps I Used To Drive Traffic To My Website

Everything that I have learned in marketing online would be hopeless and ineffective if I simply do not know how to drive traffic to my website. I can have all the things I needed such as a professional website, essential tools, mind-blowing softwares etc in my business but nothing beats traffic to my website hands-down.

I realised that my business would fall to the depths and along will the money if I do not focus on this specific efforts.

Getting visitors to my website is indeed tough as there are many others like me who are doing exactly the same thing. Competition is brutal and everyone has a great offer to boot. How would I stand out from the rest? I finally made a stand and used these 6 big steps to drive traffic to my website.

Big Step 1

I decided to rely on search engines to do the job. Well, everyone knows that getting on the 1st page of the relevant search engines such as Google, Yahoo or MSN means for the right keywords means free targeted traffic at no cost! Thus I decided to build popularity links by using the right keywords to achieve this goal.

Big Step 2

I contacted fellow webmasters for potential link exchanges by searching for websites that are related to my website and asking them if it is possible to do a reciprocal link exchange between us.

Big Step 3

I write my own articles and submit them to article directories such as Ezinearticles and usually leave my website links in the resource box at the end. I find this a very efficient way to promote my website as long as I write high-quality content and will appeal to my readers and enable them to visit my website purely because they find it interesting enough.

Big Step 4

I initiated some joint ventures to promote my website; usually promoting a product. Sometimes, me and my partners do ad swapping or link exchanges as well and promote them to our lists.

Big Step 5

I launched an affiliate program for my website. I love having affiliate to do some promotion for me which then allowed me to receive more traffic to my website. This also helps to bring in more sales and I share a percentage of the sales with my affiliates this benefiting both of us.

Big Step 6

I learned that the list is king so I started to build my list of subscribers that I can refer to now and then using autoresponders. I give out great information in the form of newsletters and keep them updated of any changes to my website or recommend them to any others which I feel is useful for them.

Driving traffic to my website has indeed been my focus and I dare say that is the most important thing in your online businesses!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How to buy a Computer hardware and software?



Here are some Information and help on buying computers components hardware and software. This section of Computer Tips is designed to help all users to understand and make better decisions when purchasing computer hardware and software.


The first and important thing is to consider the buying location when purchasing a computer or computer equipment, software and hardware. There are many location to buy a computer but We have listed here some locations you will be able to purchase computer equipment or from and what to look out for. Please select one of the below locations you plan on purchasing from.


Internet is very easier, faster and cheaper way to buy computer hardware and software. Because a manufacturer provides you the detail information about its products, prices and where they are available for sale. A shop provides you a list of goods available, price of each item, that is why you can easily compare the price and quality of one company products to other company products.


If your are not interested to buy a computer using internet then Local Retailer is one of the safest location to buy computer hardware and software. However the important issues to find a suitable shop for this purpose. So please first verify the return and warranty policy in case the device is not functioning or is not compatible with your computer.